Wednesday, July 20, 2022
6:00 - 8:00pm
Important Information
UNC Charlotte
Popp-Martin Student Union 340 9201 University City Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28223 Sponsored by:
Please park at the top level of the Student Union parking deck and take the bridge across to the union. Once you enter the union please walk to the lobby and take the elevator up to the 3rd floor.
While this is a drop in style event, please arrive by 7:00pm so you have enough time to tour the full exhibit. "This program is presented by the Homage Exhibit and is not a program of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, nor is it in any way affiliated with or endorsed by the university." |
About the Homage Exhibit
Focusing on African-American history and culture, the Homage Exhibit features over 600 select items from the private collection of Nia and Morris McAdoo. The exhibit includes original historical documents, artwork, newspapers, press photos, letters, books and more.
The Homage Exhibit opens the door to the the African-American experience in the United States from the time of Slavery to the election of Barack Obama. Highlights of the collection include slave transport collars, slave bills of sale, entertainment, legal papers documenting the horrors of the slave trade and original documents drawing attention to key figures such as Booker T. Washington, Shirley Chisholm, Frederick Douglas and various artifacts from moments in the civil rights movement. |