Background Editing for PureSlider Currently Locked

Section must be unlocked to edit the background image above. Unlocking the background editing will hide any content you dragged and dropped, and let you add/change/remove the background image for each slide. This black section is a helper section and is only visible in the Weebly editor. This black section will not show on your live published website.

Exploring Centuries of History

African-american history

​Experience the rich, diverse, and influential journey of African-American history. From the era of slavery to the groundbreaking election of Barack Obama, our exhibit offers a comprehensive exploration of pivotal events and cultural milestones.

Behind the Scenes With Experts

curator-led journey

​Join our guided tours led by knowledgeable curators for an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the Homage Exhibit's creation and design. Gain unique insights and a deeper understanding of the stories our collection holds.


Historical Icons and Evocative Artifacts

icons, artifacts, artistry

​Our exhibits are more than just displays; they're time capsules. Discover key figures like Booker T. Washington, Shirley Chisholm, and Frederick Douglas, along with notable artifacts from the civil rights movement, all accompanied by works from talented artists and creatives.

[ i ] Parallax section below. Click on the section below to upload image. Don't worry if it looks weird in the Weebly editor. It'll look normal on your published site.

To edit or delete your image, press the "toggle" button below. Then, hover over your image until a popup appears with the "edit" and "delete" options. Since these are parallax sections, you may need to scroll a bit up or down to be able to click on the "edit image" popup.

[ i ] Parallax section below. Click on the section below to upload image. Don't worry if it looks weird in the Weebly editor. It'll look normal on your published site.

To edit or delete your image, press the "toggle" button below. Then, hover over your image until a popup appears with the "edit" and "delete" options. Since these are parallax sections, you may need to scroll a bit up or down to be able to click on the "edit image" popup.